Upcoming Events

National Gathering 2025

Perth, 21 March and Sydney, 22 March

We invite you to join us as we gather to pray, worship and learn together at our 24-7 Prayer Australia National Gathering. Our heart is to inspire a culture of extraordinary prayer, equipping the Church to take up God’s invitation to partner with him to build His Kingdom across our nation. 

Alongside National Director Trudi Sayers, we’ll be hearing from guests including Pete Greig, founder of 24-7 Prayer, Gerald Griffin from Bridgetown Church, Jill Weber, Order of the Mustard Seed / Waverley Abbey, and Mark Sayers from Red Church.

We will also officially launch Prayer Spaces in Schools Australia, a 24-7 Prayer initiative creating spaces in schools where students can pause to reflect or pray. International Director Phil Togwell will be joining Australian National Coordinator Sue Allison to share vision and practical steps in establishing this exciting and impactful initiative. 

Sharing story is a big part of our movement as we celebrate how God is moving amongst us, so we’ll be hearing updates and stories from local prayer rooms as well as what's happening amongst the Gen Z generation.

We can’t wait to gather together in both Perth and Sydney!

Perth, Friday 21 March
9.30 am – 5 pm – day sessions: Trudi Sayers, Gerald Griffin, Jill Weber, Phil Togwell, Sue Allison
7 pm – 9 pm – evening session: Mark Sayers, Pete Greig

Lifestreams Christian Church
2 McNabb Loop, Como, WA 6152

Sydney, Saturday 22 March
10 am – 5 pm – day sessions: Trudi Sayers, Gerald Griffin, Jill Weber, Phil Togwell, Sue Allison
7 pm – 9 pm – evening session: Mark Sayers, Pete Greig

St Barnabas Anglican Church
57-61 Mountain St, Ultimo, NSW 2007

Pete Greig is a best-selling author, Lead Pastor of Emmaus Rd church in the UK, and the bewildered founder of 24-7 Prayer, a global movement of prayer, mission and justice in more than 100 nations. He co-hosts the Lectio 365 daily devotional and brings spiritual leadership to Waverley Abbey, a 1400 year old place of prayer just outside London, which is being revived as a living monastic community. Pete and his wife Sammy have two adult sons and until recently split their time between a boat on the River Wey, and an island off the south coast of England where they host and mentor leaders. His books include Red Moon Rising, God on Mute, and How to Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal People. 

Mark is the senior leader of Red Church in Melbourne, Australia and is passionate about spiritual renewal and the future of the church. Mark is the author of a number of books including A Non-Anxious Presence and Reappearing Church and lives in Melbourne with his wife, Trudi, his daughter, Grace, and twin boys, Hudson and Billy.

Jill Weber has been founding and leading Houses of Prayer for almost a quarter of a century and currently leads the Waverley Abbey Community in the UK. She is also the Global Convenor of the Order of the Mustard Seed, 24-7 Prayer’s missional/monastic order, and serves 24-7 Prayer as Director of Houses of Prayer. Jill is a regular contributor to Lectio 365, and is a spiritual director, retreat leader and educator, and author of the book Even the Sparrow: A Pilgrim’s Guide to Prayer, Trust and Following the Leader.

Sue is the National Coordinator for Prayer Spaces in Schools Australia and has experience as both a primary and secondary school teacher, a school chaplain and pastoring kids and youth in the local church. Sue is passionate about helping students explore faith and nurture their well-being through creative, interactive and reflective activities. Sue lives in Melbourne with her husband Grant and loves beach holidays with her grandies, searching for shells and crabs, and being pounded by the waves.  

Trudi is the National Director of 24-7 Prayer Australia and is also a pastor at Red Church in Melbourne where she has invested in building a culture of prayer over many years. Trudi’s passion for prayer has grown in fervour through witnessing first-hand the power of prayer to bring renewal in her own life and corporately for the Church. 

Phil and Emma Togwell live with their extended family - daughters, grand- daughter(!), foster mums/babies, lodgers and dogs. Phil worked in a variety of community settings before serving as 24-7 Prayer's Great Britain director for seven years. He now leads 24-7 Prayer's Prayer Spaces in Schools ministry and the Lectio for Families team.

Gerald is an Elder and Pastor of Gatherings & Prayer at Bridgetown Church in Portland, USA. Gerald has a wealth of knowledge and experience in building a prayer and discipleship culture, with Bridgetown Church being a hub church for 24-7 Prayer. He will be travelling to Australia with his wife Jenni.

Please note:

> Whilst this will be an in-person event only, we will aim to record all sessions and make the audio available shortly after the event.

> Kids are welcome to attend, however we won’t be offering a drop-off kids program.

> There is a café onsite at the Perth venue, open 8 am - 2 pm, otherwise be prepared to head nearby for lunch and dinner during breaks.

> Filming and photography will be taking place throughout the event. These videos and images may be used by 24-7 Prayer for future marketing. Please let a member of the team know if you’d prefer not to be filmed or photographed.

We invite you to join us for SPOTFIRES, a gathering of Gen Z young adults from local churches seeking God and stepping into what He is doing in our generation.


13 March 2025, Melbourne

Past Events

22 - 30 June 2024, Melbourne - Canberra - Brisbane - Sydney - Newcastle

13 - 14 October 2023, Melbourne

18-26 February 2023, Melbourne - Sydney - Brisbane

28 September 2022, Melbourne

22 May 2022, Melbourne