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Chris Cameron Chris Cameron

“God is certainly stirring something in our community. So grateful!”

Last week exceeded our expectations. The week started a little bit slowly and I was covering several blocks that weren't booked but as the week went on it gained momentum, with a number of stories of people saying they felt compelled to leave what they were doing and go down at the prayer room!

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Chris Cameron Chris Cameron

“Revival is starting to happen here one person at a time.”

Starting a prayer room was an idea inspired by all the stories I read about in ‘Red Moon Rising’ and ‘Dirty Glory’. I felt for a long time that starting a prayer room at our church would help others engage more with prayer in a tangible way, but wasn’t sure if we could manage it…

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Chris Cameron Chris Cameron

“God was proving to me that He is with me…”

Prior to 7pm, I got off a phone call with my mum, during which she explained that my stepdad has a very progressive cancer, and he had been told that he only has a short time to live. My emotions felt chaotic and after I finished up on the call, the last thing I wanted to do was pray…

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Share your Prayer Room story

There are a growing number of new 24-7 Prayer Rooms starting up across Australia. If you have a testimony or story from your 24-7 Prayer Room or non-stop 24-7 Prayer event, we would love to hear from you. Use the form below to share your story and images - we look forward to hearing about what God is doing in your community!